New EU system for applying for T2L and T2LF union status certificates.
- Thu, February 15, 2024
- 1 minute read

What will change?
Currently, T2L(F) documents are created in customs software and, except in the case of self-declaration, are stamped by the customs post and then sent by mail to the relevant parties. The European Union wants to digitise this process. Therefore, from 1 March 2024, this system will change and these documents can only be requested via the new EU Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system, located in the EU Customs Trader Portal.
Implementation in 2 phases
Currently, customs authorities are still working on the implementation of the system. The implementation will be done in 2 phases:
- Phase 1: replacement of the paper T2L and T2LF document. This phase will be completed by 1 March 2024.
- Phase 2: introduction of the electronic Customs Goods Manifest. This will allow you to request and verify union status certificates for multiple shipments and goods. Completion of this phase is expected in the 3rd quarter of 2025.
Central database for all member states
Union status certificates applied for in the new PoUS system will have a Movement Reference Number (MRN). When you bring in union goods, you give the MRN of the union status certificate to the customs authority, who can then retrieve the certificate in a central database available to all member states.
If you’re currently using or planning to use T2L(F) documents, check your access to the EU Customs Trader Portal now.
Prefer to outsource your T2L(F) document request? Then get in touch with us. Our customs experts will be happy to help you.
Further updates to follow
The PoUS system is currently still in the testing phase and unfortunately there is no access yet. Declarants using the current procedure for applying for T2L(F) documents will be further informed about the new system after the test phase.
As there is still some uncertainty about the final new process, we will continue to post updates on this page to keep you informed of the changes.