Did you know that CDS is replacing Chief? What will this mean for you? Find out in this article!
- Wed, June 08, 2022
- 1.5 minute read

This change of systems also brings some minor changes for you as a customer. For example, it is necessary to sign up in time in order to be able to use the Customs Declaration System. You will also get your own online dashboard that gives you an overview of all your customs matters.
Register for CDS
It is important that you sign up in time in order to be able to use the Customs Declaration System.
Register for CDS here.
Download our CDS fact sheet
We tell you what you need to do to sign up for CDS.
Download our CDS fact sheet here.
Interested in a CDS training course?
Please contact sales.uk@gaston-schul.com to get in touch.
Where to register for CDS?
Click on the link and follow the steps:
Sign in using Government Gateway – GOV.UK (access.service.gov.uk)
What do I need to register for CDS?
- A Government Gateway user ID
- GB EORI number
- Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
- The address of your business that is hold in the customs records
- National Insurance number if you’re an individual or sole trader
- The date you started your business
I already have a EORI number, do I still need to apply for a GB EORI number?
Yes, it needs to be a GB EORI number.
When are these changes happening?
The changes happen in two stages:
- 30 September 2022: new import declarations close on CHIEF
- 31 March 2023: new export declarations close on CHIEF/National Exports System
❗️ Update: exporters will now have until 30 November 2023 to move across to CDS, instead of 31 March 2023.
The UK Government will not be delaying any further.
What will change?
No more customs documents, all information will be stored on your financial dashboard. See following link which shows examples of the reports which will be available in CDS as a replacement for current documents. Click here.
Why is CHIEF closing?
The UK Government wants our border IT systems to be fit for the future. CHIEF is nearly 30 years old and cannot match the technology that the Customs Declaration Service offers. CDS can handle all declarations types and it operates to the full UK Trade Tariff, which makes it critical to the long-term flow of trade. Ultimately, using one system is more efficient and will clarify processes for traders, free-up money for vital public services and save money for the taxpayer.