Digital A.TR Certificates in EU-Turkey Customs Union.

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted temporary changes in how movement certificates were issued in the EU and Turkey.  The success of electronic certificates with digital signatures or scans has led the EU and Turkey to permanently adopt this method for A.TR certificates within their Customs Union, starting July 8th, 2024.
Digital A.TR Certificates in EU-Turkey Customs Union.

Changes in issuing movement certificates due to COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was impossible for EU member states to issue movement certificates with signatures, wet ink stamps or in the correct paper format. It was therefore necessary to take exceptional measures. As a result, customs authorities of EU Member States began accepting movement certificates issued electronically, with a digital signature, stamp or cachet of the competent authorities, or a copy in paper or electronic format (scanned or available online).

Flexibility in A.TR certificates for free movement of goods within the EU-Turkey Customs Union

These measures also applied to A.TR movement certificates for the free movement of goods within the EU-Turkey Customs Union. This practice was based on the flexibility provided in Article 10 of Decision No 1/2006. According to this provision, A.TR movement certificates should be submitted to the customs authorities of the importing state in accordance with the procedures applicable in that state.

EU and Turkey to continue accepting electronic A.TR movement certificates post-COVID

Due to the positive experience with the COVID-19 measures, the EU and Turkey have decided to maintain these measures. A decision by the EU-Turkey Customs Cooperation Committee has decided that electronically issued A.TR movement certificates with a QR code will be accepted without a wet ink signature, provided they are issued on or after July 8, 2024. For certifcates issued between May 4, 2024, and July 7 2024, an original signature from the Turkish competent authorities must be included in box 12.

More information on A.TR certificates

You can consult the following webpages for more information on A.TR certificates:

Advice and support

Do you need help regarding A.TR movement certificates? Gaston Schul’s Consultancy & Advisory services are here to assist.

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